Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Who I am

Time to introduce myself! I’m Marinda Mensch, am nineteen years old and live in the Netherlands. I’m currently studying Communication and Multimedia Design at the NHL Hogeschool, which means I get to do everything that’s design-related. During this study, I want to develop myself as a (concept) artist. I personally think that even though I’ve gained quite a lot of knowledge on this subject, I’m not nearly good enough just yet, and that’s why I’ve started this blog: Not only to share my current knowledge, but also to monitor my own process, and get feedback from the outside world. It’s also a nice way to keep myself motivated, since I can sometimes get lazy with practising.

As for my art style, I used to keep mostly to a cartoony style, resembling the melisande/melusine comics. Lately, while I still much enjoy cartooning, I try to practise drawing realistically much more. I’m trying to polish my drawing technically, by drawing from life a lot, so that my technical imperfections won’t be in the way when I try to draw from imagination.

My favourite medium is and will probably always be the mechanical pencil. It’s easy to sketch and doodle with, which is what I enjoy doing most. I want to work  with other mediums too, though. I enjoy working with charcoal a lot, for example. My painting, especially my digital painting, needs major improvement, so on this blog I will show how I try to develop my own painting style.

Again, all comments and critiques are much appreciated. I hope you’ll enjoy!

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