Saturday, 28 May 2011

Quick anatomy and brain practice

For lack of a scanner and a tablet at the moment, I’ll start of this blog with a handy tip for a tool that I love to use as a warm-up before a longer drawing session. Check it out:

The thirty-second drawings tool is one of the most useful tools I’ve come across. It’s very simple: you’re shown a drawing of a human model, which changes every thirty seconds (or whatever time limit you choose). And you’re supposed to draw it! No dawdling allowed.

It’s an easy way to practice some anatomy, but, more importantly, it trains your eyes and brain to catch shapes quickly, and transfer them onto paper. It’s a great way to train yourself in proportions, and of course speed. Your brain gets into a drawing-vibe, and it’s a lovely no-brainer, which is why it’s such a great warm-up!

Try to do a set of five minutes next time you want to start drawing. If thirty seconds is too hard for you, set the time limit a bit higher, but never higher than is needed, because speed is essential in this process!

On a side note, updates this week might be slow. My laptop broke down yesterday, so computer access, especially with a tablet, is rather restricted for me at the moment. Sorry ‘bout that!

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